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The Search For the Slimy Space Slugs! Doddle Adventure

Author Mike Lowery
In Library 1 books
Book ID ECB 0892 TH
Category Early Chapter Science Fantasy (Age 6-9)
Genres Science fiction
Remaining - (0) Books
Credit Point - 1 points


Doodle Adventures: The Search for the Slimy Space Slugs! is a lighthearted fantasy where the reader first draws him- or herself into the story, and then continues by following prompts and adding more illustrations and doodles. Set in space, the book invites the reader to join Carl, a duck and member of a super-secret international group of explorers, on a journey in search of a very important grail-like object. The book is sturdy paper over board with beautiful cream paper—perfect for defacing! And by the end, the reader will have co-written a tale to return to again and again, and show off to family and friends.

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